Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Commes Des Garcon comes to H&M- Tomorrow!

Commes Des Garcon at H&M...tomorrow!  Am I the only one who cares?  Am I the only one who is going to brave rush hour traffic to get to the Beverly Center at opening to fight the fashionistas for what's rightfully mine?  You can ride along with me, if you like.  Click the title to see the whole collection.  

ps. I'm not buying that dress- they did women's, men's and children's collections.


Tracy said...

tomorrow?? oooh!! i care! xo (so glad to see this space happening again!)

Craig said...

Months, I've been waiting. I got there at a couple of minutes after 10am to find that the store had opened an hour early and every single piece had been sold! Waahh!

Tracy said...

no way! ack. not fair.

peeked at the mag spread last night and read what i could. so lovely. so perfect. so you two. love it all. xo